Open Allies Foundation – the first wholesale industry organization in Poland.
Wholesale operators create Open Allies – Poland’s first formalized initiative for open fiber networks. The Open Allies Foundation is a platform for cooperation, exchange of experiences and communication intended for entities focused on wholesale activities.
In mid-January this year. The Open Allies Foundation was established. Its founders are wholesale operators – Fiberhost and Nexera. According to the Open Allies statute, the most important goals of the established Foundation include: promoting wholesale access to fiber-optic networks, cooperation in the field of legislation, regulatory and legal solutions, and supporting the development of the FTTH network by removing economic, administrative and legal barriers. As part of its statutory activities, the organization will also undertake educational activities aimed at disseminating knowledge in the field of telecommunications, with particular emphasis on activities aimed at the development of digital competences of the society.
The activities of the Foundation are managed by the Management Board composed of: Marta Wojciechowska – President of the Management Board of Fiberhost S.A. and Jacek Wiśniewski – President of the Management Board of Nexera Sp. z o. o. Activities aimed at the development of broadband telecommunications infrastructure will be implemented through media campaigns, information, education and social campaigns. The statute of the organization also provides for the implementation of research projects, conducting publishing activities, organizing training courses, workshops and cooperation with the state administration, local government and non-governmental organizations.
Establishing the Open Allies Foundation is the culmination of several months of talks and exchange of experiences between Fiberhost and Nexera. The telecommunications industry lacks a collaboration and communication platform for wholesale operators – Open Allies is just such an organization. Open fiber optic networks are an opportunity for the development of digital services, the market and competition, but the cooperation of wholesale operators is necessary. There are ambitious goals ahead of us – we look forward to even closer cooperation with Nexera and invite operators operating on the wholesale market to talk to us.
– comments Marta Wojciechowska, President of the Management Board of Fiberhost S.A.
We are extremely proud to establish the Open Allies Foundation, an industry organization created in cooperation with Fiberhost to support the promotion of wholesale fiber access. Its concept is closely related to the goals of Nexera, i.e. to provide fast, stable and reliable access to the digital world in regions that so far have not had access to broadband Internet. The open fiber optic network model is one of the best and most effective ways of connecting small towns and rural areas, also enabling service providers to reach subscribers without having to implement a completely new infrastructure on their own. We believe that the foundation will be a platform for fruitful interconnection and that it will bring many benefits on the way to the development of digitization in Poland
– comments Jacek Wiśniewski, President of the Management Board of Nexera Sp. z o. o.